Generally in Ayurveda says that ‘Tulsi is a mother medicine of nature.
There are two types of tulsi green tulsi for Lakshmi and purple tulsi for Krishna.
In this article, we have covered the majority of the advantages that tulsi can support for people.

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1. Use to reduce cold and cough
We as a whole deal with an issue of cold for the most part in winter or because of progress in the climate and for that reason, Ayurveda remedies are always better. There are bunches of Ayurveda remedies and Tulsi is one of them.
It has many contents present like Cineole, Camphene, and eugenol, so tulsi helps to reduce or control a cold.
The study says that one of the factors of cold is weak digestion.
It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties that help to prevent you from cold.
We all know that sticky mucus generates inside our body that leads to cold but the tulsi helps to boost our antibacterial properties and reduce infection in mucus.
To do that we can take Tulsi leaves and ginger make something like tea with water moreover we can take honey and drinking these sorts of cures would be beneficial for cough and cold.
2. Improve heart health
There are various sorts of the heart disease present and we likewise realize that chocolate is valuable for heart disease.
But the tulsi helps in stress-related heart disease.
Because it is helpful to reduce stress, cholesterol, and anxiety due to adaptogen and improve moods.
You know that increasing blood pressure, cholesterol level, and physical stress can lead to heart disease.
And it does work better for all these cholesterol, blood pressure, physical stress, and anxiety as well.
Tulsi likewise has cell antioxidant property which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease in your body.
3. Pure Air
We all know that Tulsi is an ‘Oxygen-generator’, throughout a day 20 hours among 24 hours it provides oxygen.
And along with that it also generates ozone for 4 hours every day, amazing.
In terms of absorbing, it absorbs really harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and Sulphur dioxide.
Most of the metro cities face an air pollution problem, if you can’t afford an air purifier then tulsi is the best option for you.
Because it’s easily available and naturally purifies the air of your home along with the many natural uses of tulsi.
4. Natural immune booster
Sometimes we may face the problem of low immunity. If it happens then you will be bound by your body, you may be bound by diseases.
Medicine also helps better to your body when you are having a good immunity system.
So, don’t worry there are lots of things to improve immunity but tulsi is one of them and more natural.
You know it is having anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties that help to keep your lots of infections free.
Apart from that properties tulsi is having lots of vitamin C as well as zinc that acts as an immunity booster to your body.
There is an interesting thing in it, it has fixed oil and regular cell killer activity it boosts the immunity framework.
5. Weight Loss
Again weight loss is a problem in today’s world, there are bunches of things we can accomplish for weight loss, yet tulsi is one of them.
it is easily available at home so we can definitely go with this.
How it helps in weight loss, in light of the fact that tulsi turns out for metabolism and it increases in a great level.
If metabolism increases, the body works better for the fat-burning process.
Also, it cleans all toxins out though your body works better for detoxing.
Again it improves your digestion, so definitely all these things would lead to weight loss.
If you are having a problem with chewing tulsi leaves then you can put it to your regular tea which also helps better.
6. Tulsi reduces stress hormones
There is a lot of stress we would face, Sometimes we do worry about something or not getting something or would be facing health-related problems or any kind of problems.
We do face this type of stress, so don’t worry tulsi won’t let you be stressed all the time and decrease your health quality, definitely not.
Because it’s having Octimumoside of A and B. And because of these types of compounds, it reduces your stress.
In stress, your neurotransmitter changes its behavior. So Octimumosides of A and B will help you to balance your neurotransmitters.
The study says that an adaptogen is a substance introduced in it that will help you with various sorts of mental issues including stress.
And also it says that 500 mg leaves of tulsi will help you to reduce stress and depression along with anxiety.
7. Good for diabetes
At particular age most people face diabetes problems, so we need to avoid potential risk at an early age because precaution is far better than cure.
Why tulsi is good in that way because it has a hypoglycemic impact and diminishes the raised blood glucose levels by expanding insulin discharge and insulin affectability.
It helps to prevent high cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, prevent high weight gain that happens in diabetes type 2.
It acts as an antioxidant that helps to diminish stress and blood sugar level.
Drinking tulsi leaves is also beneficial, to do that soak tulsi leaves in water overnight and in next morning on an empty stomach drink, this water is good for diabetes.
8. It reduces fever
We have seen that it is an immune booster that helps to fight infection in fever as well.
It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties that also help to improve your immune system (fever so).
To do that we can add the black paper powder with tulsi leaves with water and mix it well helps to reduce high fever.
Additionally, It has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties that help to reduce high temperatures in fever.
9. Lower your cholesterol
You know what one trial performed on white rodents, that he ate some tulsi leaves and after every so often result shown that in his body bad cholesterol lessens and great cholesterol increments.
We all know that high cholesterol is very dangerous for your heart health, so holy basil is there for you.
It especially targets metabolic disease and lowers the cholesterol level of LDL and VLDL.
The good thing about holy basil is that it is easy to take and it reduces your total cholesterol level within a very short period of time.
What you can do, eat 3 gm of tulsi leaves daily for 2-3 months, you will see an amazing effect on your cholesterol level.
- Tulsi called it as ayurvedic medicine it helps to improve air quality and produce more amount of oxygen.
- In terms of cough, cold, fever, and immune it is helpful.
- For diabetes, cholesterol, heart health, and stress hormones tulsi is there to help us.
- For wight loss also it works better.
Do you have tulsi at home or do you want to plant it? please comment down below:
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